We have completed this work. Please contact technical support should you continue to experience any issues.
You can do this via the support portal https://support.netdocuments.com or via the phone. AU customers call +61 2 8310 4319 EU customers call +44 2034.556770 US customers call 801-226-6882 or 866-NETDOCS (638-3627)
Posted Oct 10, 2019 - 09:29 AEDT
We are aware of and investigating an issue with being unable to open documents using older versions of ndOffice (2.2 and prior.) We are actively working to rectify this issue. Please be aware that users may experience some slowness whilst we undertake this work. We will update as soon as this process is completed.
If you are concerned that you are affected by this please contact technical support via the support portal https://support.netdocuments.com or via the phone. AU customers call +61 2 8310 4319 EU customers call +44 2034.556770 US customers call 801-226-6882 or 866-NETDOCS (638-3627)